Monday, May 23, 2011

Aku mau pindah Sweeden

Antara fakta yang menarek minat aku nak pindah Sweeden:
  1. The Swedish healthcare system gives everyone who lives or works in Sweden equal access to heavily subsidized healthcare. The system is taxpayer-funded and largely decentralized, and performs well in comparison with other countries at a similar level of development. (Subsidi perkhidmatan kesihatan kepada semua rakyat tak kira status)
  2. All parents get 480 days of paid leave per child, which must be claimed before the child turns eight. The bulk of parental leave is taken by mothers. But more fathers are spending time at home with their children. They now claim about 20 percent of all parental leave.  (Mak ayah dapat cuti khas bergaji untuk luang masa berharga bersama anak-anak)
  4. Thirty years ago, Sweden became the first nation in the world to prohibit all corporal punishment of children. (NO SPANKING!!)
  6. Children born in Sweden are entitled to child allowance. A parent does not need to apply for child allowance. The child allowance is paid to the parent who is registered with Försäkringskassan. The benefit is paid from the month after the birth of the child or later if the child moves to Sweden. The child allowance is tax-free and is paid until the quarter when the child reaches the age of 16. The child allowance is SEK 1,050 per child per month. Large family supplement is paid automatically if child allowance is received for at least two children. (Ada anak and jaga sendiri, dapat elaun anak)
  8. New dads get ten days off work when their child is born, and then share with their partner a further 480 days of paid parental leave. This allows women to continue to pursue their careers, while allowing men to play a larger role in their children’s formative years. (wah... bapak bleh amek cuti bergaji jaga anak sementara maknye kerja/study).
Lain-lain maklumat berkenaan Sweeden, boleh klik sini:  .

Huhu....tapi sweeden takde budu, belacan, ikan kering, laksam, akok, nasik kandar dsb. Haish... How I wish Malaysian Government ada polisi mcm sweeden. Senang hati mak ayah nak membesarkan anak.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nak Handmade ID Lanyard Baru (yg comel)

ID lanyard yang duk pakai ni dah nak putus n sangat buruks. Teringin sangat nak yang baru.
Tapi yang baru perlulah dari jenis handmade and commel. Contoh sila lihat di bawah:

Rasa cam nak beli terus jer. tapi tetap tak puas hati sebab takleh tengok sendiri produk tu. Harap diri ini boleh bersabar.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dugaan Melayan nafsu tekak berpuasa ganti

Hari ni aku puasa ganti.
Pagi2 dah dapat nasihat pengisian rohani dari ustaz di twitter pasal kesabaran menahan dugaan ketika brpuasa. Terima kasih ustaz_nazleeee.
Biasalah, kalau dah perut kosong, macam2 makanan duk main2/pusing2 dalam fikiran.
Skarang ni aku tak taulah..kepala otak dah meroyan nakkan popia goreng. Memang gigih aku menggugel cerita popia goreng aje kat internet. Macam2 jenis popia terkeluar. Popia ketam, popita kentang, popia ayam, sayur, sengkuang, popia pisang pun ado. Haish.. memang menguji kesabaran n iman betul laa...

Kan best kalau dan-dan ni jugak boleh balik rumah & buat sendiri popia goreng tuh. Boleh makan banyak-banyak sesuka hati. (nampak sangat nafsu tak terkawal !).