Time....time... where has it all gone ? i am indeed not a very busy person, but somehow, the feeling of wanting to write something here is there, but I wasn't really sure what to write. So many things happened, but yet the feel to put it publicly online was nowhere to be seen. Oh how?
Since abah passed away, it feels like there nothing else left to say. Feels like "I better keep it to myself, since nobody cares after all... (roll eyes)" . Oh...apasajalah.
Hmm.. after saying that, now i think i'm going to write again. But still not sure what to write about. AllahuRabbi...too many things happened since June 2012, but i am really don't know where and how to start.
Plus, when your office network admin has blocked all image uploading activity, it doubles the reason for me.
Oh blogging mood, please be nice. I really do want to write in here again.