Thursday, September 3, 2009

Milestone chart: 7 to 12 months

Tasneem dah 8 bulan. Skarang Tasneem dah pandai....
Sits without support - kadang-kadang tumbang jugak
Drags objects toward herself - ni selalu je. Tepon atas meja tu asyik jatuh aje.. pastu berebut nak minum air dari cawan
starts crawling - ni dah lama dah
Jabbers or combines syllables - tetete... lalalalala.....phe..phe..phe... blarghhh....
• Starts to experience stranger anxiety - yup. pernah
Stands while holding onto something - ni selalu aje, lebih2 llagi kat kabinet tv
• Bangs objects together - yang ni baru pandai. pastu selamba je baling barang tu.
• Says "mama" and "dada" to both parents (isn't specific) - err.. blom lagi kot. mungkin susah nak sebut IBU & BABAH
• Passes objects from hand to hand - yg ni selalu aje
Stands while holding onto something - selalu eksyen berdiri pegang kepala katil ngan sebelah tangan, sbelah tangan lagi pegang puting. hek eleh..
Crawls - dah. dengan lajunyer
• Searches for hidden objects - yang ni kalau dia cari puting laa.. atau pun kalau dgr bunyi henpon
• Pulls self to standing, cruises - sokmo doh
• Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp - selalu main ngan kunci
Stands while holding onto something - yup. seperti yang telah dinyatakan di atas
Cruises while holding onto furniture - sama seperti di atas
• Drinks from a sippy cup - ni baru nak belajar
Eats with fingers - yup. makan biskut ngan tangan kiri
• Bangs objects together - yes

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Payoh baso kalu bos koya tarer, tapi kenyataannya totally ZERO.

I hate my bos !

It really is sad and most unfortunate, but millions of people simple hate the job they have and even hate their boss. Each and everyday these millions of people wake up just to go to a job they hate and work for a boss that they cannot stand.. are you one of them?
How to tell you hate your job:
Do you have to convince yourself to go to work each day? NO
Do you look for reasons not to go to work? NO
Does your energy level drop simply by entering the work place? NO
How to tell if you hate your boss:
Do you avoid your boss at all costs? YES
Do you tell your boss off in your head? YES
When you make eye contact with your boss from across the room, do you think to yourself “Ah crap!” YES
How to tell it’s time to look for a new job:
Do you come home in a bad mood from work 2 or more times a week? NO
Do you find you are lacking energy and the desire to socialize? NO
Do you feel physically ill when thinking about going to work? NO


Tasneem buat latihan bibir. Main sembur-sembur buih.

Huarghh... lagi 5 minit nak balik. Lambatnyerrr.....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Sejak akhir-akhir ni, selalu je nampak kelibat budak kecik duk panjat kabinet tv...
eeeee.....takut laaaa budak kecit ni jatuh kang. Sure meraung-raung...

Kelibat Tasneem di tepi tv