Sunday, 29 July 07. Hari yg gilo!!
930pm, tgh rilek lepak2 tgk Smallville, bos tepon, at first mls nak angkat (aper ke hei nye mlm2 ahad ni tepon, takleh tunggu esok ko?), tp angkat gak. GILO..!! Aku dikehendaki berada & bertugas di shah alam kul 12tghmlm nanti. huhuhu... hampeh..(nyesal angkat tepon). Atas dasar kesian kat kawan, aku stuju g sana, ngan syarat somebody have to pick me up at home (konon aku duk sg buloh...hoping that i dont have to go since sg buloh is such a terpencil area). tp ader gak yg sanggup dtg jemput.
kul 1130, my ride dah sedia menungggu dpn my aprtments' guard house. sian lak aku tgk kwn aku ni, so, aku amek aleh jd driver while he munched on his McD 1/4pounder.
Tgh2 drive, syg sms, tanyer tgh wat ape.. huhu.. terpakasa bgtau dia that i'm on my way to shah alam, kerja (aku susah nak ckp tipu). That's the 1st time syg marah... cedih sgt2. marah sbb xbgtau dia awal2 that i have to work tgh2 mlm bute.
Mulakan keje kul 1am. Stiap 2jam syg sms. ok.. i admit that i was wrong for not telling syg awal2, tapi kalau bleh takmo syg risau. stiap sms dia mmg ader bunyik mcm risau.. tp nak wat camana, dah terlewat dah... keje je lah sampai pagi... :(
kul 730am, monday, syg sms lagik, tanyerkan "keje lagi ke?". huhu... yup, still keje lagi, tp dah nak abes dah. kul 9 (kot), semua wrap-up. kat luar ujan renyai2, shejuuukkkk.....derang ajak minum dulu sblm balik.
kul 1030 gerak balik umah masing2. muka sekor2 dah mcm org tak betul, jalan lak jem gile. spanjang jalan aku tido dlm kete. kul 11 (kot), aku sampai umah. penat bdn tuhan saje yg tahu, raser mcm br lps triathlon. sampai ajer umah, trus pengsan & secara rasmi aku memulakan office hour aku kat umah dgn tido sampai ptg.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
jumpe datin
Pastu MMs gambo ni kat kawan haku yg mmg fanatik giler minat CT. Hahaha... menjerit jerit dia tgk gambar2 nieh. huahuahua.....besht!!! aku berjaya wat somebody jaki kat haku. hahahahahahahaha.....................
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
My Football Love Affair
Before with him:
After I met him:
Do I love football? No... I still dont. hahahaha....!!!
- Only knew abt David Backham from entertainment megazines (coz of the weird haircuts & attached to posh spice)
- The most interesting news in football world is when French botak player (Zidane) headed sombody on the field because of religious isssues.
- Never watch a whole 90mins match.
- Only counted how many goals scored. Dont care who or when the goal was scored.
- EPL what ????!!!
- Brazil=yellow, england=red, malaysia=err...kuning kot?
- Didnt even watch the World Cup !!
- MAMAK: megi goreng & teh'o'beng olny please...
- 3 AM = SLEEP ZZZzzzzzz..........
- 0% interest
After I met him:
- Hate Man U. Supported Arsenal (knew some players name)
- Still.....The most interesting news in football world is when French botak player (Zidane) headed sombody on the field because of religious isssues.
- SOmetimes watched a whole 90mins match (if didnt fall asleep)
- Still counting how many goals scored & who score, when & how.
- EPL Arsenal, Man City, Liverpool, Chelsea. Carling Cup. Others...tak tau sgt.
- "Fuyyooo.. lawa jersey baru team nih" "Syg..knape takder jersey size pompuan ?" "
- World cup? hmm.... maybe tengok nanti.
- MAMAK: megi goreng & teh'o'beng + big screen (football, not Akademi Fantasia)
- 2 AM = Trying to be awake to watch the first half. 3 AM = Tidoooo... ZZZZzzzzz..... Count the goals tomorrow morning lah.
- Knew where Kelana Jaya and Shah Alam stadium is.
- TEXTing friends while watching Malaysia beaten by UAE. Borink.......
- 32% interest
Do I love football? No... I still dont. hahahaha....!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pre-birthday Gift
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